
Domestic Abuse Recovery Toolkit

Our compassionate and informative course to help women thrive after domestic abuse.

Lead by survivors the Domestic Abuse Recovery Toolkit Course runs for 12 weeks and is currently being delivered face to face in Great Yarmouth. The course can also run on zoom.

Have you left an abusive relationship?
Are you still carrying guilt?
Would you like to understand, challenge and remove the voice of the perpetrator?
Do you still think what happened to you was your fault?
Do you find dealing with new people in your life something to be scared about?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to the above questions you are not alone.

Many people who leave an abusive relationship behind are affected by that former relationship in many ways. This course will explore how you are feeling and look at ways to move forward. You receive a lovely journal that has all the course material in to complete alongside the sessions.

The course was written by Sue Penna, Rockpool Life CIC, Sue has worked with individuals who have psychological trauma because of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). For over 30 years in her professional life as a clinician, trainer and supervisor both within the NHS and independently Sue specialised in writing psycho-educational programs that promote trauma informed practice and a recovery model.

We meet with everyone prior to offering a place on the course to make sure it is right for you.

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