Toiletries Bank
The toiletries bank is run solely on the generosity of donations. We have sanitary products, toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush etc and much more depending on donations.
Open at Feathers House 9.30-12 1-3 Monday to Friday, just come and collect what you need.

toiletries donations
Any donations are really appreciated and make a huge difference, simply adding an extra item to your weekly shopping really will make a difference.
Toiletries can be dropped of at Feathers House and Bycrofts Estate Agents in Great Yarmouth and The Hairbase in Gorleston High Street.
Make a Donation
If you’d like to donate please pop along to our drop-in on Friday mornings between 9.30 and 12 or message us and we can arrange for you to collect any weekday.
The toiletries bank is run solely on the generosity of donations. If you have any unwanted toiletries please do consider donating them to us.
what people say
“I love the variety of my role at Feathers Futures I have attended lots of courses which have personally helped me. “Feathers Futures certainly is a special, unique place, we are a community of women helping and supporting each other. One big support system and volunteers play a vital part in this.”
Clare – Groups Volunteer
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Feathers Futures offer a range of support to women to enable them to create a brighter future.